Women at the Well
This month, our church is supporting Women at the Well. Women at the Well is a United Methodist congregation located within the walls of the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women in Mitchellville, Iowa. They are a diverse community composed of women incarcerated there. They gather together to share the teachings of Jesus Christ, and to experience the life transforming Spirit of God.
In addition to the weekly online worship service, Women at the Well offers a number of different ministries designed to encourage the spiritual growth of its members, assist them when they transition back into the world, and to assist those who already live outside the walls to better understand the hurts and hopes of the women who reside within the ICIW.
Women at the Well is a mission congregation. This means that no matter how generous the giving of its members, it will never be self-sustaining. As a result, they rely heavily upon other sources of giving.
Good Samaritan Food Pantry in Adel
Personal Item of the Month
This month's personal item is facial tissue.
Please place your donation in the marked tub in the church entryway.
Learn more about the food pantry here and here.
Bags for Bidwell
The Bidwell Pantry needs used grocery bags to help pantry guests carry their groceries.
The bags can be paper, cloth, or the usual plastic. Since the pantry serves an average
of 5,000 individuals a month and each shopper uses 2-3 bags, they need a lot of bags.
There's a tub in the church entryway where you can put your donated bags. We plan to
continue collecting these throughout the year, so please keep bringing them in.