The Adult Discussion Group meets each Sunday before the service at 9:30 AM in the overflow area at the back of the sanctuary.
Our Children's Church is held at 10:45 AM, the same time as the Sunday worship service.
Our Wednesday night program for youth kindergarten through 6th grade is Kids' JAM. It runs 6:15-7:30 PM during the school year.
Youth Group, for grades 6-12, meets most Sunday evenings.
A staffed nursery is available for the care of young children during the worship service.
Pastor Cathy Nutting,
Pastor VMUMC
During the season of Advent, we will explore what it might mean to think about our hearts, our lives, and our church as "inns", places where we make room for everyone to feel welcomed, valued, and loved.
Click here to read Pastor Cathy's Monthly Message.
Our regular announcements are in The Grapevine, here.
Stay connected by visiting our Facebook page. You can click here to reach it.
The Van Meter United Methodist Church is a community in the service of Christ.
Click here for directions on how to find us.
Call us at: (515) 996-2572
Email us at:
The Van Meter Church is part of the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church.
December 17, 6 PM
Children's Christmas Program
See the Christmas story from the perspective of the angels in "WOW". Stay for the reception after the play.
Tuesday, December 24, 7 PM
Christmas Eve service
Join us for a joyous time of scripture, songs, and candle lighting. Bring the family. Bring a friend.
Every Wednesday
Kids' J.A.M. (Jesus and Me)
6:15-7:30 PM
Our Wednesday night program for elementary-age students guides them to learn the love of Jesus while having fun.
Learn more here.
Sign up here.
(Almost) Every Sunday
Youth Group (grades 6-12)
6:00-7:30 PM
We meet most Sundays throughout the school year.
Learn more here.
Every Sunday, 9:30 AM
Adult Discussion Group
We meet each Sunday in the overflow area behind the sanctuary to discuss topics of interest.
Our current topic is based on Matt Rawle's Experiencing Christmas: Christ in the Signts and Sounds of Advent.
You need not have read the book to join us.
Kids Shopping Day
Thanks to everyone at our church, the Van Meter Baptist church, and in our generous community who donated gifts,
volunteered their time, and directly donated funds to Kids Shopping Day.
This was a great day for the kids and we will be better able to help our neighbors this Christmas. You may still
donate funds via the church or via our VENMO account Kids-Shopping-Day-VM.
Good Samaritan Food Pantry in Adel
We are collecting toilet paper for the pantry.
Learn more about the food pantry here.
Sign up to be a Worship Helper
You may use
this link
or just talk to Leslie Herman.
Nursery Available
We offer care for the very young during church services in our staffed nursery.
November 14, 6:30 PM
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Each month, we gather to make
shawls and blankets of comfort. Call the church office to learn where the next meeting will be held.
Bread Ministry
We have a
bread ministry
in cooperation with Panera Bread company. We need help picking up packages from Panera
and bringing them to the church. Sign up for a one-time delivery or several.
Sign up by clicking on this link.
A Note of Thanks
The church would like to thank the Dallas County Foundation for their grant. We used it to purchase a
fence and to upgrade exterior lighting.
Need Help?
Our church is a member of the Adel Ministerial Association (AMA). The AMA has an
emergency fund which is used as a shared resource.
Learn more here.